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Thaneni's Staff

Thaneni's Staff

Thaneni's Staff equipped

Thaneni's Staff (Equipped)

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Thaneni's Staff
The head of this ancient staff is a delicately designed peacock inlaid with jewels.
Item 2958
Required by the Quest
'Preservation Fragmentation'
411 Primary Attributes 933 Stamina
28.4% Haste
142.3% Crit Chance
24.6% Crit Bonus
25.8%  Potency
15% Casting Speed
2,285 Ability Mod
Magic Affinity
Main Hand Crushing
Damage 120 - 681     Main Hand Crushing
Delay 4.0 seconds    (200.22 Rating)
Level 100 (Tier 11)
Obtain: From Thaneni while on the quest Preservation Fragmentation

\aITEM -523053474 -941336204:Thaneni's Staff\/a \aITEM -523053474 -941336204:Thaneni's Staff\/a
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