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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Quest Item
Tessa's Contingency Plan
"It is quite odd that you are being held in reserve here in Neriak. They must have a mission of high importance in mind for your group within the Ebon Mask. My legion has been charged with helping to hold the western front against Kaladim! Those dimwits and swampspawn better be able to hold the line against those dirt grubbing dwarves... If anything goes wrong I'll head to the home of the queen. If you are on Faydwer, make periodic checks of my fallback location. You should find me there if things go bad. I hope you got the enchanted key I sent earlier... This will be my last message for now, we ship out in the morning. Innoruuk guide our hand!" -- Tessa
Obtain: Obtained during the course of the War and Wardrobe heritage quest.

\aITEM -983738695 720639803:Tessa's Contingency Plan\/a \aITEM -983738695 720639803:Tessa's Contingency Plan\/a
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