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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Shard of Fear (LU39)
Race Crocodile
Level 75▲▲▲ Tier 8 Heroic
Location Terrock's Bite (see below) ( 207, -8, -360 ) Copy
Reported Drops
AA Exp Yes
Status Points none

What does this information mean?


  • When you first arrive, Terrock will not be attackable. In order to turn him into the attackable version, go to the east end of Nightmare Valley and escort 'a dark foal' ( -231, 1, -267 ) Copy back to the lake. The foal will choose a member of your group and will not progress forward unless that group member is nearby. Good tip is to clear all the trash in the immediate area between Terrock and the foal as the foal will zig and zag at random points.
  • WARNING: Let Terrock kill the dark foal before agro'ing or you could potentially bug the encounter and not receive credit for the kill if the foal is still alive and Terrock is locked into the encounter with it.