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EverQuest 2 Spell/Ascension Information
Terrene Destruction
Spell 1068
The earth below our feet does not ah... it does not speak. At least not as we understand. Instead, when the world must speak, it does so in the voice of a volcano or an earthquake. A Geomancer understands this implicitly, and seeks to emulate this ah... quiet steadfastness in our own movements. Do not speak, just act, and the actions will speak for you.

Target Self
Power 6542
Casting 7.0 seconds
Recast 8 minutes 30.0 seconds
Duration 40.0 seconds
Level 3

  • Improves Melee Multiplier of caster by X.
  • Stifles caster
This spell has no higher-level versions
Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster Ancient Celestial
X 6.20 7.58 8.27 10.62 11.03 11.58 13.92 14.27

Gray cells correspond to unavailable ranks of the spell.

Daybreak Games
