What does this information mean?
- Speak to Uelmondi at ( 418, 36, 39 ) Copy/waypoint 418, 36, 39 when you're ready to go.
- Get teleported into Plane of Magic: The Aetherscar.
- This is a strictly solo instance: no mercs or other group members.
- Speak to Uelmondi at ( 612, -39, -175 ) Copy/waypoint 612, -39, -175.
- Place the 3 crystal shards by clicking on the yellow position markers:
crystal shard (before & after placement)
- ( 651, -41, -173 ) Copy/waypoint 651, -41, -173
- ( 682, -36, -173 ) Copy/waypoint 682, -36, -173
- ( 674, -39, -141 ) Copy/waypoint 674, -39, -141
- Wait for Uelmondi to walk into the triangle formed by the crystals then kill the cnidcara feeders that spawn and attack the crystal shards.
- Speak to Uelmondi at ( 612, -39, -175 ) Copy/waypoint 612, -39, -175.
- Move toward ( 593, -31, -137 ) Copy/waypoint 593, -31, -137 to return to the Plane of Magic.
- Speak to Majestrix Sangeeta at ( 280, 592, -614 ) Copy/waypoint 280, 592, -614.