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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced The Shadow Odyssey
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Moors of Ykesha more
How to Start Speak with Varick Stoutheart at Tupta-5, -54, 837 ) Copy
part of: Moors of Ykesha Timeline
Preceded by:
Termite Troubles, Part I
Followed by:
Termite Troubles, Part III
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Gather the following:
    • Gather 5 Acrid Frostberries from a frostberry bush in the snowy area around the snow badgers, just outside of Teren's Grasp, Kylong Plains Speak with Wyneta Splinterfeet to find the locations, or check the following waypoints: ( 1725, 452, -885 ) Copy , ( 1724, 445, -846 ) Copy , and ( 1729, 442, -772 ) Copy
    • Gather 5 Seedpods from Karana's Promise plants along the waterline under the docks in Zek, The Orcish Wastes Speak with James Reed to find location if needed, or you can start around ( 486, 348, 186 ) Copy
    • Gather 5 Bracket Fungus on the vines ( -243, 36, 375 ) Copy in Tunare's Glade, Greater Faydark Speak with Neela Filamaar to find location if needed. Note that anyone with the ability to track harvestables can do so with all these nodes.
  2. Return to Varick Stoutheart
Frostberry bush
Keranas promise
Bracket fungus


  • Completing this quest gives +5000 faction with Guktan Guard


  • You will be using the ingredients you gather from this quest in the next quest.
  • Also, consider bringing at least 5 Smoldering Candles with you when you work on this quest so you can do the next step of this questline immediately after turning this one in.
  • It is not necessary to speak to Wyneta, James and Neela for quest updates. Just gather the required ingredients.
  • It is not necessary to harvest these in order, as Zek, Greater Faydark and Kylong Plains all have either Druid Rings and/or Wizard Spires, you'll be close to a portal that will quickly get you back to the Moors.