What does this information mean?
Along with Chilling Mist, this named casts a noxious-based AoE stifle every 45 seconds. It has a 30 meter range and is curable. It also memblurs every 25-35 seconds.
The first thing you must do is kill all the other mobs on the first floor. If any mobs are still alive (including nameds), they will run in to assist.
Place the Main Tank at the big rock and place all the DPS near mushroom. Put the offtank between the two, on the side nearest to the named, and healers on the other side. Should look something like this:
--------R(MT)-------------------- --------------------------------- (H)--------------(OT)-----------T --------------------------------- -----------(DPS)-----------------
- R= Rock
- MT= Main Tank
- H= Healers
- OT= Offtank
- T= Tender's spawn point
The MT pulls the named, everyone casts AOEs to kill the adds in the encounter. Try to have 1 debuffer (Brigand preferable) on the Tender all the times. One DPS (Assassin or such) could also stay.
Every 45-60 seconds, 'a seedling storyteller' will pop. They are epic x2. The offtank must grab the storytellers as soon as they pop, and the raid should to kill them. Once they are dead, kill the Tender.
Kill priority:
- Encounter adds
- Storytellers (a Seedling Storyteller)
- Tender