The goblins in Nu'roga should be non KOS at this point, but there are other dangers for low levels in the dungeon portion of this quest. Move carefully and watchout for broken walkways that may lead you to fall.
Enter the cave at ( -299, 54, -1961 ) Copy/waypoint -299, 54, -1961, follow the paths (and not the rails) until you see a rope ladder next to a pool of lava, climb up. You are near the door to Nu'roga ( -211, 71, -1993 ) Copy/waypoint -211.06, 71.26, -1992.82.
Enter Nu'roga (quest autocompletes after zoning in)
Inside, keep climbing the spiral platforms to the top level.
Get all the way to the top and speak with Greshdek at ( -25, 155, -32 ) Copy/waypoint -25, 155, -32 for Search and Rescue.