Void Storm - normal view

Void Storm - sonic view

Creatures under the Void Storm - sonic view
Shattered Lands - Qeynos Area[]
- Two Logs Pond ( 674, -33, 474 ) (a tempest touched muck toad) (a concordium Pupil Adept)
- Ravenous bog slug area ( 607, -33, 585 ) (a tempest touched bog fearie)
- East of the ruins ( 975, -21, -723 ) (a tempest touched timber deer) (a Concordium Pupil Adept)
- North of the ruins ( 1132, -22, -815 ) (a tempest touched timber deer)
- South of Crater Pond ( 50, -15, 625 ) (a tempest touched Darkpaw) (an Arcane Science Apprentice)
- Fippy's Hill ( -66, -9, -283 ) (a tempest touched darkpaw) (a concordium Pupil Adept)
- Steppes Station Scarecrow Field ( -1950, -20, 570 ) (a tempest touched scarecrow)
- The McQuibble Farm ( -1950, -18, -315 ) (a tempest touched scarecrow)
- On the road Southeast of the Oracle Tower ( -1180, -35, -500 ) (a tempest touched monitorlizard)
- Archer's Wood ( -828, -4, 547 ) (a a tempest touched stag)
- Thundermist Road ( 615, 0, -330 ) (a tempest touched Sabertooth)
- Near The Ruins of Varsoon main entrance ( -465, 5, 465 ) (a tempest touched skeleton)
- Off trail by Druid Ring ( 174, 7, 57 )
- Off trail leading to Siren's Grove ( -77, -25, 138 )
- Off trail leading to Deathfist Mine ( 528, -17, -69 )
Shattered Lands - Freeport Area[]
- Near the tombs ( -50, -11, 14 ) (a tempest touched zombie)
- Near Commonlands Gate ( 30, -5, -48 ) (a tempest touched zombie) (an Arcane Science apprentice)
- South of the Docks ( -130, 0, 120 ) (a tempest touched Brokentusk pawn)
- Visage of the Overlord Statue ( -10, 0, 95 ) (a tempest touched defender) (an Arcane Science apprentice)
- North of the Wizard Spires ( -80, -40, -500 ) (a tempest touched black wolf) (a Concordium Pupil Adept)
- The Siege Lands ( -1179, -54, -396 ) (a tempest touched fallen orc) (an Arcane Science apprentice)
- The Wailing Caves entrance ( -330, -50, -950 ) (a tempest touched Shin'Ree avenger)
- West of Druid-Rings ( 830, -60, -200 ) (a tempest touched lioness)
- North of Bloodskull Valley ( -20, -50, 460 ) (a tempest touched orc)
- West of The Lonely Tower ( -760, -50, 560 ) (a tempest touched orc)
- Behemoth Pond - North End ( -210, 0, -370 ) (a tempest touched murkbloom) (an Arcane Science apprentice)
- Thexian Camp ( -1470, 30, -1240 ) (a tempest touched thexian)
- East of the river to Bone Lake ( -1177, 0, -900 )
- Wellspring of Nightmares ( -532, -57, 140 ) (a tempest touched spirit) (an Arcane Science appentice)
- North of T'Vatar Post ( -340, -55, -60 ) (a tempest touched moldering soldier) (a Concordium Pupil)
- Wanderlust Fair ( 130, -40, -55 ) (a tempest touched Sableflame watcher)
- The Harrowglade ( 60, -40, 230 ) (a tempest touched wispling)
- Tower of Bone ( 500, -40, 100 ) (a tempest touched skeleton)
- West of Shadow Oak ( 620, -40, -210 ) (a tempest touched spider)
- West of Bramblefoot Hills ( -271, 29, -964 ) (a tempest touched darkflight fairy)
- Near Rivervale ( -147, 7, -195 )
- Near Fennin's Pass ( -504, -118, 369 ) (a tempest touched goblin) (an Arcane Science appentice)
- Near Banner of Flame ( -754, -111, 318 ) (a tempest touched ???)
Desert of Flames[]
- Near the Entrance from the Sinking Sands ( 210, 35, 275 ) (a tempest touched mummy) (a Concordium Pupil Adept)
- South-End of the first Section ( 110, 0, 450 ) (a tempest touched mummy) (an Arcane Science Apprentice)
- The Halls of Learning: Next to the wall of ice ( 440, 7, 500 ) (a tempest touched mummy/tome)
- Near Passage to the Temple Court ( 600, 40, 380 ) (a tempest touched arbor)
- Temple Court lower section ( 860, -30, 540 ) (a tempest touched mummy)
- Temple Court upper section ( 1050, 16, 310 ) (a tempest touched blackfang)
Kingdom of Sky[]
- Fear Tainted Isle ( 130, 232, 890 ) (a tempest touched Thulian)
- Hidden Refuge ( 93, -199, 137 ) (a tempest touched froglok)
- Bixie Isle ( -657, -64, -888 ) (a tempest touched bzzt bixie)
- Strifewind Isle ( 145, -21, -420 ) (unknown)
- Isle of Desolation ( 493, 270, -420 ) (a tempest touched Strifewing) (an Arcane Science appentice)
- Isle of the Guardians ( 652, 384, -125 )
- Whisperwind ( -785, -84, -291 )
- Blackwind Isle ( -587, 112, 193 )
Echoes of Faydwer[]
- The Nursery, at the beach ( -267, -65, -715 ) (a tempest touched pirate) (a Concordium Pupil Adept)
- Green Knoll ( 652, 17, -30 ) (a tempest touched treant warden)
- Clan Crushbone ( -850, 100, -135 ) (a tempest touched crushbone orc)
- At the beach ( 350, 25, 280 ) (a tempest touched rustfiend)
- Yarpsnarl Camp ( -760, 100, -480 ) (a tempest touched Yarpsnarl) (an Arcane Science Apprentice)
- East Fort Irontoe ( -530, 150, -320 ) (a tempest touched Shadesire defender) (a Concordium Pupil Adept)
- West Fort Irontoe ( 80, 210, 30 ) (a tempest touched graniteback)
- Chessboard ( -700, 100, 50 ) (a tempest touched Yarpsnarl)
- Druid Ring ( 32, 184, 514 ) (a tempest touched Kragploom chick)
- Loping Plains Zone-In ( -344, 95, 940 ) (a tempest touched Grikbar) (a Concordium Pupil Adept)
- Mines of Meldrath Entrance ( -1126, 89, 1010 ) (a tempest touched clockwork)
- Grikbar Crater ( -137, 94, 1015 ) (a tempest touched Grikbar)
- Greater Faydark Zone-In ( -590, -39, 264 ) (a tempest touched sharpthorn) (a Concordium Pupil Adept)
- Tunare's Grove ( -215, -43, -216 ) (a tempest touched fayllian)
- The Fae Drake Breeding Grounds ( 680, 38, -115 ) (a tempest touched fae drake)
Rise of Kunark[]
- East of Timeworn Pools ( 3, 4, -47 ) (a tempest touched dunescale lizard) (an Arcane Science apprentice)
- Near the City of Jinisk ( 725, 50, -225 ) (a tempest touched iksar) (a Concordium Pupil Adept)
- Doom's Morass ( 230, -120, 930 ) (a tempest touched sporconid) (an Arcane Science apprentice)
- Tabernacle of Pain ( 150, -65, 200 ) (a tempest touched stonegazer)
- Sokokar Roost ( 600, -75, 330 ) (a tempest touched sokokar)
- Ganak's Old Crypt ( 270, 60, 345 ) (a tempest touched sabrecat)
- Road to City of Mist ( -200, 125, -500 ) (a tempest touched iksar)
- Tylix's Fist ( -575, -110, -610 ) (a tempest touched stonegazer) (a Concordium Pupil Adept)
- Herculean Rampart ( -610, -35, -50 ) (a tempest touched Dracurian) (an Arcane Science apprentice)
- Near Howling Stones ( 380, -40, 190 ) (a tempest touched stoneganzer)
- Venril's Crown ( 210, -80, -420 ) (a tempest touched skeleton)
- Dracur's Breath ( -1300, 230, 540 ) (a tempest touched Dracurian)
- Road to The Temple of the Red Lord ( -1770, 190, 1080 ) (a tempest touched gnashing devourer)