EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki

Tears of Veeshan Collections (LU68)[]

Vesspyr Isles[]

Pieces for many collections may be found on more than one island. Here the collections are separated by the islands where the pieces seem to be found most often, which may help people seeking to fill in that "one last shiny".

Aerial Collections[]

Hidden Collections[]


Tradeskill Collections[]

These are all LORE and may only be seen by those possessing the Earring of the Solstice. These collection pieces may be found anywhere in Vesspyr Isles.

Raid Collection[]

The shinies for this collection come from Temple of Veeshan: The Dreadscale's Maw (Raid) and pop one or two only as part of the one-shot Bristlebane fights script in ToV Wing 3. Only healers can pick them up, and only up for a limited time on that phase of the fight.

From Other Collections[]
