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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature  (AA)
Introduced Tears of Veeshan
Journal Level 101 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Good-aligned: Speak to Tevan Brassgear outside the Mage Tower in Qeynos Capitol District717, -19, 178 ) Copy

Evil-aligned: Speak to Blaira Va'Tyrn by the docks in The City of Freeport-211, -56, 32 ) Copy

part of: Vesspyr Isles Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Tears of Veeshan: Shattered Dreams

What does this information mean?



  1. Find a way to enter the Vesspyr Isles.
    1. Speak to Dartain/Al'Kabor (the quest step will say to speak to Al'Kabor) of The Duality (in a zone accessed by) speaking to Tevan or Blaira Va'Tyrn.
    2. Speak to either :
      • If good-aligned : Kurista in the The Elddar Grove676, -16, -253 ) Copy.
      • If evil-aligned : Elguka the Oracle outside The Temple of War-112, -8, -130 ) Copy.
        • Players of any alignment can speak to either Kurista or Elguka, however, sticking to the same alignment makes the NPCs easier to reach.
    3. Use the Draconic Sigil while at the Obol Plains druid ring ( -433, 27, 441 ) Copy.
    4. Enter the newly-summoned portal to Vesspyr Isles in the druid ring.
  2. Follow the guidance of Lord Yelinak:
    1. Speak with Drinal's Steward in the Vesspyr Isles dragon circle ( -128, 214, 350 ) Copy.
    2. Speak with Yelinak the Ancient (Vesspyr Isles) in Daarspire76, 219, 109 ) Copy. N O T E ! ! You must have the following Vesspyr Isles quests completed to be able to continue with this quest. (In other words, he tells you to follow the Vesspyr Isles Timeline, then return to him when you've reached the steps below.)
      • ---Lepethida's quests are the first you encounter in this zone, beginning with Sent for Savtek
        • Droumlund Intruders, which is the 7th quest from Lepethida at ( 112, 210, -11 ) Copy on Daarspire
      • ---Harla Dar's quests unlock after completing Lepthida's 5th quest, Waters of Strife
        • Family Ties, which is the 7th quest from Harla Dar at ( -104, 51, 738 ) Copy on Veeshana Tol
      • ---Darathar's quests follow three quests from Field Marshal Vishra at ( -797, -46, 38 ) Copy on Veiled Thessk
      • ---Vishra's quests are unlocked while working on Lepethida's 6th quest, Veiled Threat
      • ---Wuoshi's quests unlock after completing Harla Dar's 3rd quest, Guardian of the Growth
        • The Purity of Growth, which is the 4th quest from Wuoshi at ( -599, 379, 623 ) Copy on Aeterna Gardens
      • Note: If you did the previous quests while getting armor upgrades, simply move away from Yelinak enough to get the quest updated, a flag will appear over his head.
    3. After speaking with Yelinak, he will tell you to talk to Chymot on Karak-ta in the Vesspyr Isles ( -76, 30, -491 ) Copy.
    4. Defeat the 3 attacking Awakened skystalkers.
    5. Speak to Chymot again.
    6. Return to Yelinak the Ancient on Daarspire76, 219, 109 ) Copy.
  3. Attempt to establish contact with Lendiniara.
    1. Speak to Chymot at the lower tower entrance on Daarspire. ( 181, 154, -83 ) Copy
    2. Enter the advanced solo or heroic version of The Nexus Core via the portal inside the tower.
    3. Kill Luminox Prime within the Nexus Core, the final named of the zone.
    4. Activate the core in the central room of the Nexus Core.
    5. Return to Yelinak the Ancient on Daarspire76, 219, 109 ) Copy.

