Evil characters?[]
Is it possible for evil characters to worship Tunare? I would like to have an assassin who worships her, but if I can't I'll just make him agnostic. Psduckie 18:58, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
- The deities present in-game are separated into alignments: good, neutral and evil... And only good-aligned toons can worship good-aligned deities (or evil-to-evil), with both good or evil -aligned toons and worship a neutral deity.
- Tunare being good-aligned cannot be worshiped by an evil-aligned Assassin toon. Sorry. See the Gods page for more information. -- Mysterious drake 19:07, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
- There is a rumor that Assasins will be going Neutral. Once that happens you can make your assasin a "good" assasin. Otherwise you can always convert him into a Ranger or follow Bristlebane. Kyllien 07:01, August 11, 2010 (UTC)