In response to the warning: I have done this quest with a level 10 assasin. It is very doable if you follow these simple steps.
- when you come out of the sewers (west Freeport)look across towards the bank. First check for guards on roadway in front of bank then, when clear, run for steps of bank.
- Stay in front of stores and vendors do not go down on main street! Keep left until you run into the end. Then look right. There is a large piece of ruble there that you can climb and get to this point 69.52, -0.19, 9.60 .
- YOU MUST HAVE FEATHERFALL FOR THIS NEXT BIT. Jump from the location given first to the east then while in flight move north west to avoid guards below. Run up stairs keeping to the LEFT side and bear left and then run forward towards the tunnel but stop at the opening before the tunnel.
- Look right and down for the cellar door looking thing. You have arrived..
—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 17:04, 2010 August 3