Crafting griffons are good if you are 86+ in tradeskill level. You can ignore the sokokar quest if you don't mind doing all the prerequisite quests and the ~5 day wait.--Itpaladin 00:10, March 22, 2011 (UTC)
Well, a problem for low level characters will be, to activate Sokokar-Posts, as they will not likely be able to start the quest for sokokars in Kylong Plains :)
Kuehlwalda from Valor
- Sure they will. There is a crafter quest for obtaining sokokars that runs parallel to the adventurer one, but does not involve any killing. Just some crafting, an errand, and a slightly scary run to Teren's Grasp. I'll update the quest to suggest it; thought I did that last night, but I think that was on a different page...--Whyff 16:12, 20 February 2008 (UTC)
I have made the run through Fens with a level 20 character, without dying. I suggest an alternative route for the second provisions cache: when you take the little path to the right just before Sathir's Span, turn immediately to the left after the rocks on your left side, and stay close to those rocks. Watch out for the rhino that's usually there, it will walk out of the way. Where the line of rocks bends to the east you can jump on them, and walk mob-free over the rocks until you can go no further. There, jump off and keep hugging the rocks to your left. Don't go in the nook where the crazed sokokar is (obviously), the provisions cache is just past that nook. Retrace your steps until you are back on the path and follow it towards the third cache. The third cache is close to the path, and the run towards that point is not too difficult if you pay attention to the pathing of the mobs. There are maybe 2 or 3 mobs that come dangerously close to the path, wait until they move away and you're home free. Cadfael, Najena server 19:33, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
Follow on crafting quests[]
In his final statement, he gives the names two Fens of Nathsar NPC to you
- Preparations Officer Zekilius -- Riliss
- He is a normal Work Order provider, who gives Exp/+750 Faction
- There is a daily crafting quest giver (+2,000 faction) next to him: Assistant Zhary
- Supply Sergeant Anuhadux -- Inside Bathezid's Watch
- He us a normal Work Order provider, who gives Exp/+750 Faction
- Access is easy, as all NPC's are non-agro
- (if you haven't killed any NPC's of the Bathezid Watch faction, your faction will be above the agro trip point, , which is -40,000.)
- There is a daily crafting quest giver (+2,000 faction) next to him: Assistant Volwon Zhi'dok