EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki

Zoning In[]

Note: If you're on the Harness Quest, you won't see the Roekillik Excavation zone as an Destination choice at the Door in Bloodskull Valley if you're running a Merc. Respawn him once inside.

Reminder, if you can't access the Icy Dig through the Permafrost zone door, you must purchase Explosive Charges from the merchant down the ramp before you can choose the correct zone option.

The guide information is incomplete and does not apply to the bloodskull zone in the commonlands.

It seems some times the Icy Dig zone option doesn't pop up if you have just recently purchased the explosive charges. If you zone into Permafrost on just zone back out and click the door again, you should receive the option the second time around. Jado818 (talk) 22:18, November 13, 2013 (UTC)

Ghagan Agrro[]

I reworded the article a bit to say Ghagan may aggro.

He aggroed me at level 68/69 but that was a level or two after he was greyed out.

User:Solzak posted that Ghagan did not aggro to lvl 78's, Jan 2014. Ghagan aggroing at level 68 / 69 might not even be an specific thing to him but just that level threshold and the way the exp and aggro systems are set up. I guess I could test it out some to find out.

Either way I would suggest being careful of Ghagan's aggro if you are level 68 or 69. Jado818 (talk) 02:58, February 11, 2014 (UTC)

I was also 78, and he definitely did aggro me the first time I tried to get by (Apr 2014). I wasn't prepared to fight him, so I chose to run for the front door. He's quite deadly, and despite me being very tanky he did some serious damage before I got away. After that I chose to make him move by killing the 2 nameds. I never had any trouble getting him to start patrolling (done 3 times). He does bug out walking through the halls, though, bumping into & through walls, so watch out, he could pop out of a wall near you... Perkus (talk) 09:14, April 9, 2014 (UTC)