EverQuest 2 Wiki

Conflicting names. Looted \aITEM -1535455377 290851769 0 0 0 2 644444073:Wurmbone's End\/a from the crate and the name clearly conflicts with the zone name "Wurmbone's End". Advice/help needed Lakih (talk) 08:08, January 17, 2013 (UTC)

that can be solved by using Wurmbone's End (Item) for the Weapon and a disambig page for the different Wurmbone's End stuff. Unfortunately SOE doesnt help us with using the exact same for zones and items. --Xinturaia (talk) 08:32, January 17, 2013 (UTC)
Given that people are much more likely to be looking for the zone than the item, I'd say leave the zone at Wurmbone's End and just put a {{dab}} on top linking to the item at Wurmbone's End (Item). I've gone ahead and done that. --lordebon (talk) 17:39, January 17, 2013 (UTC)