EverQuest 2 Wiki

From article page[]

The below was left on the main article page but is more appropriate on the talk page:

  • AA Exp. (I was lvl 80 Sage when I started this quest line, so not sure if you only get AA once 80 or always. Got 4% for each)
  • Best place to do this is Tenebreous Tangle since all of the nodes are grouped together by type. It makes it easy to get the harvestable you need.

    • May not be level restricted anymore, on Oct 12, 2009 my level 56 Necro/27 Prov was offered and started this quest. JadedbyEx
  • Received 7.4% tradeskill exp as a 66 sage. Osarion 02:33, November 20, 2009 (UTC)

Level 8 adventure level character received this in the high 50s tradeskill level. It sat around in the journal til after 305 harvesting skill so I don't know the exact number when you can receive this. --Itpaladin 20:37, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

Interesting. However, in the future please just change the text and use the info template (eg: {{info|text about what's missing}}) rather than add a "note" to the main article. --lordebon 21:26, December 25, 2009 (UTC)