Rum bottle locations[]
F.S. Distillery: The Rum Cellar (Solo)[]
- The Chow Hall ( -177, -70, 110 )
- The Upper Distillery ( -99, -101, 209 )
- The Cane Press ( 25, -99, -25 )
- The Fermentation Field ( 86, -87, 190 ) atop climbable vat
- Office of the Rum Master:
- ( -43, -97, 70 ) north exterior wall
- ( -48, -97, 75 ) north interior wall (must defeat Portia Rumuffin)
- ( -45, -97, 108 ) south interior wall (must defeat Nibbles)
The Stowaways' Hideout (F.S. Distillery: Stowaways (Advanced Solo))[]
- ( -261, -61, 155 ) lower level (must defeat Oofgoof Doof)
- ( -233, -48, 173 ) upper level, floor next to south lift
- ( -207, -48, 128 ) upper level (must defeat Sir Wharfie)
- ( -276, -48, 100 ) upper level (must defeat Fwump and Zaxfalump) 01:35, February 21, 2016 (UTC)