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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Renewal of Ro
Level Range 125
Zone in from Takish Badlands
Entrance is at

Just outside the Blinded Eye Camp at ( -394, 245, 213 ) Copy

Parent Zone Takish Badlands
Difficulty Solo
Persistence 1 hour 30 minutes - 3 days
NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


  1. Lopik Runtbottom-803, 181, 207 ) Copy
    • Lopik has two adds, and he has a knockback. Best to put a wall behind you to avoid getting knocked off the cliffside.
  2. Migral Strongfeet-846, 262, -162 ) Copy
    • Migral has 3 adds with him. Periodically knocks the player around or teleports them somewhere else. Occasionally calls in more adds. Has a power drain.
  3. Chief Dunesea-529, 100, -142 ) Copy
    • The easiest way to get to the Chief is to put on a safefall cloak (such as Cloak of the Harvester or a LON cloak, or use the Jann Magi illusion, etc, then jump off the cliff edge to land near him.
    • Chief Dunesea has 2 adds with him. Periodically, he calls in more adds, casts a knockback or teleport, and has a power drain.
  4. Go through the woods to go up the hill at ( -405, 135, -624 ) Copy and turn left to reach named.
  5. The Harrower-429, 139, -498 ) Copy
    • The Harrower has a knock up + interrupt for which there is no warning or cast. Occasionally spawns adds.
  6. Kigathor Stonebark-703, 152, -550 ) Copy
    • Kigathor has 3 adds with him. He also has a knock up + interrupt for which there is no warning or cast.

Quest Named:[]

  1. Go back down the hill and follow to the left to find named under a tree non-aggro at ( -549, 81, -214 ) Copy He will run off. Chase him to next location.
  2. Zizzez-547, 109, -525 ) Copy
    • Zizzez has a knock up that has no warning or cast.