For other articles with related titles, see Superior Thalumbral Rune (Heroic): Riposte Damage .
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\aITEM -1621429000 1547970881:Superior Thalumbral Rune (Heroic): Riposte Damage\/a \aITEM -1621429000 1547970881:Superior Thalumbral Rune (Heroic): Riposte Damage\/a
Adornment Set: Sigil of Riposte
(1) 10 Additional chance to Riposte 60 Riposte Damage
(2) 10 Additional chance to Riposte 60 Riposte Damage
(3) 10 Additional chance to Riposte 60 Riposte Damage 0.5 Riposte Chance
(4) 10 Additional chance to Riposte 60 Riposte Damage
(5) 10 Additional chance to Riposte 60 Riposte Damage
(6) 10 Additional chance to Riposte 60 Riposte Damage 0.5 Riposte Chance
(7) 10 Additional chance to Riposte 60 Riposte Damage
(8) 2275 Ability Modifier 250 Weapon Skills 250 Spell Skills 40 Crit Bonus 9 Flurry
EQ2i credits this article at Census for the info in this article. the last update on Census for this item was: Tue, 06 Dec 2022 15:37:07 +0000