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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tenebrous Tangle  (AA)
Introduced Kingdom of Sky
Journal Level 57 (Tier 6)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Tenebrous Tangle more
How to Start This quest is only available to characters of Good-alignment. Speak to Spearhead in Hidden Refuge at ( 187, -237, 185 ) Copy.
part of: Tenebrous Tangle Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Mysterious Stones

What does this information mean?



  1. Examine an impaled skeleton near The Temple of Scale. ( 39, 47, -146 ) Copy
    • Examining the impaled skeleton will break invis.
  2. Return to Spearhead.
  3. Examine the following pillars, all situated near each other at a ruin in The Temple Grounds:
    • The locations below may not correspond to the numbers as listed. The pillars are examinable in any order. For many of the pillars you need to move the mouse pointer over a specific area to be able to right-click and examine the pillar (the mouse pointer needs to be about halfway up the pillar). This is particularly true for the pillars still standing. Except the first one, two pillars are lying the ground.
    • 84, 57, -12 ) Copy
    • 101, 57, -9 ) Copy
    • 119, 57, 0 ) Copy
    • 136, 57, -2 ) Copy
    • 127, 57, -8 ) Copy
    • 128, 57, 3 ) Copy
    • 114, 57, 3 ) Copy
    • 109, 57, 4 ) Copy
    • 100, 57, 4 ) Copy
    • 92, 57, -2 ) Copy
  4. Kill six storm cells floating above the ponds in the Temple Grounds for a common update. ( -22, 48, -112 ) Copy
  5. Examine a pile of sacred stones at the bottom of the pond ( -12, 0, -134 ) Copy. Creature of the Black Pond, a level 57-58 heroic ^^ mob, will spawn. You do not need to kill him to complete quest.
  6. Return to Spearhead for your reward.


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