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Sullon's Bow of Brutal Mania
This item appears to be able to be broken down into rage filled ore.
Item 630
White Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
90 Primary Attributes 90 Stamina
30 Combat Skills
13.1% Max Health
6.1% Crit Chance
5.4% Crit Bonus
9%  Potency
9.6% Mitigation Increase
297 Ability Mod
Damage 228 - 1291     ranged
Delay 9.0 seconds    (168.72 Rating)
Range 2 - 35 meters
Level 90 (Tier 10)
Paladin, Shadowknight, Berserker, Guardian, Channeler
Obtain: [How can I get one?] try LootDB or the linkback

\aITEM 937766490 210878580:Sullon's Bow of Brutal Mania\/a \aITEM 937766490 210878580:Sullon's Bow of Brutal Mania\/a
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