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Student's Cloak of Impact
Item 1100
White Adornment Slot Orange Adornment Slot 
727 Primary Attributes 990 Stamina
31,744 Health 14,278 Power
222 Combat Skills
141.7% Crit Chance
204.5% Crit Bonus
2,458.9%  Potency
22.8% Casting Speed
40 Resolve
1.4 Ability Doublecast
Slot Cloak
Level 110 (Tier 12)
Obtain: Tailor-crafted using a level 110 recipe from Tailor's Primer Volume 01.

\aITEM 27357649 -1419917275:Student's Cloak of Impact\/a \aITEM 27357649 -1419917275:Student's Cloak of Impact\/a
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