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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Access
Introduced Kingdom of Sky
Journal Level 70 (Tier 8)
Journal Difficulty Epic
Starting Zone The Arbiter's Master more
How to Start Speak with Lord Nagafen.
part of: Bonemire Timeline
Preceded by:
Serving a New Master
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Enter Deathtoll on Carrion Briar within The Bonemire. ( -297, -74, -515 ) Copy
  2. Run to the giant dragon skull at ( -205, 125, -40 ) Copy.
    • Formerly, there was a fire barrier blocking passage unless the player had Marked Flameshield of Scale.
  3. Return to Lord Nagafen. He will give you one of his scales and tell you to meet his personal armorer in Solusek's Eye.
  4. Go to Keortor Talyse, outside The Infernal Forge of Ages, at ( -69, -626, -59 ) Copy. He will craft for you Marked Flameshield of Scale.


Solo Suicide Run[]

It is possible to 'solo' to the flameshield in a 'suicide run'. Get see invis and see stealth of some sort (the tinkered goggles work nicely) and zone in and out of DT until you get a good instance -- one where the eyes are out of the way of the run from the left side to the skull. Then sprint to the skull, die, but get your update. Totem of the Owl and Totem of the Butterfly also gives the ability to see invis and see stealth. You could also use Vision Totem of the Cat if level 70+ that gives both abilities in one item.
