Unwell wishers at ( 15, 4, 49 ) Copy/waypoint 15.14, 3.86, 49.06 and ( 14, 4, -47 ) Copy/waypoint 14.37, 3.86, -47.29. Save or Attack.
Find the source of Karana's growing presence
Clear the mobs including the two magic carpets on the ground floor at ( 9, 3, 41 ) Copy/waypoint 8.98, 2.96, 41.36, ( 7, 3, -40 ) Copy/waypoint 7.04, 2.96, -40.05.
Go up a ramp to the platform and clear the mobs plus the third magic carpet at ( 8, 20, -0 ) Copy/waypoint 7.82, 19.92, -0.25.
Go down the hallway at the back of the platform.
Kill Nezri En'Sallef - use HO's to dispel her gold shield if it gets to 25 you die. Her golden shield stifles you, plan accordingly with adornments. ( 149, 20, -0 ) Copy/waypoint 149.43, 20.32, -0.15
Continue down the hallway and kill Isos. He uses stifles, plan accordingly with adornments. Must kill adds to kill Isos; use HOs to knock them out. ( 262, 31, 58 ) Copy/waypoint 262.24, 31.18, 58.37
Remove the Orb of Thunder ( 262, 32, 67 ) Copy/waypoint 261.51, 32.42, 66.95