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Stoneleer Slayer

Stoneleer Slayer

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Stoneleer Slayer
Item 3133
White Adornment Slot Purple Adornment Slot Purple Adornment Slot Cyan Adornment Slot 
1,032 Primary Attributes 2,210 Stamina
6,560 Health 3,936 Power
58.2% Haste
344.4% Crit Chance
88.4% Crit Bonus
102.2%  Potency
36.8% Casting Speed
10 Resolve
7,408 Ability Mod
Decisive Strike
Great Sword
Two-Handed Slashing
Damage 476 - 1427     Two-Handed Slashing
Delay 6.0 seconds    (317.22 Rating)
Level 100 (Tier 11)
Paladin, Shadowknight, Berserker, Guardian, Fury, Warden, Channeler, Beastlord

  • When Equipped:
    • On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Decisive Strike on target of attack. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. Triggers about 3.0 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 18,642 crushing damage on target.
      • Increases Crit Bonus of caster by 38.7.
      • Increases Potency of caster by 60.0.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
Obtain: From the Ornate Chest of Stonebeak in Obulus Frontier.

\aITEM -1616286221 310873557:Stoneleer Slayer\/a \aITEM -1616286221 310873557:Stoneleer Slayer\/a
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