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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 35 (Tier 4)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone The Thundering Steppes more
How to Start Inspect the item Stiletto's Orders dropped by Stiletto in the Thundering Steppes
part of: Heritage Quests Timeline
Preceded by:
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NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?

Notes and Prerequisites[]

  • Stiletto's Orders drops from Stiletto which starts this quest.
  • Stiletto's respawn timer is approximately 5 minutes.
  • Your Adventure level must be 25 or higher to start this quest.
  • Your Crafting level must be Artisan level 9 or higher to complete this quest or have someone commission craft it for you.
  • You must enter the Cove of Decay to complete this quest (access quest no longer required).
    • Although a series of access quests (Cove of Decay - Prison Break) for this zone still exist, they are no longer required to enter certain instances in the zone. Cove of Decay is a heroic zone (changed from Epic x2).
  • Where to find Stiletto:
    • Somewhere near Crater Mine and may swim in the lake at ( 547, -22, 932 ) Copy.
    • The area between Deadview Pass827, -3, 865 ) Copy and Gnoll Cave241, -0, 1169 ) Copy.
    • Near Coldwind Cove at ( 339, -17, 762 ) Copy.
    • Often found near the Centaur Camp ( 63, 1, 1389 ) Copy.
    • The roaming pattern for Stiletto is a semi-contained area within the following points:
      • 467, -8, 1150 ) Copy
      • 463, -2, 1140 ) Copy
      • 450, -23, 1110 ) Copy
      • 483, -24, 1125 ) Copy


  1. Investigating Kedge's Lament.
    1. Enter Cove of Decay ( -91, -3, 1009 ) Copy and kill The Octagorgon.
      • Note: Step 9 of An Axe from the Past requires this instance as well.
      • After doing this you can swim to the ocean floor and you will find some interactive chests on the ground ( -264, -50, 1322 ) Copy. Inside one of them, you will find a Partially Digested Hand. Only one person has to do this. You can use a digested hand from a prior instance. However, you will have to still kill Octagorgon before you can do step 2.
    2. Once you have the Partially Digested Hand, go back to the beach and you will find a firepit. The person who has the hand can right-click on the remains in the Firepit and choose "Place the hand in the fire".
    3. This will spawn a level 32 ^^^ Heroic mob, Captain Ulssissaris. Kill him and the quest will update.
  2. Find information about the torn silk bag ...
    1. Head to the Ruins of Varsoon and examine an interactive book on a table to the right, just inside the door in the Workshop of the Enchanter ( 261, 0, 118 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI. This room is just South of the entrance to the Chamber of Immortality.
    2. Kill Weavemaster Esh'Rax in the Ruins of Varsoon at ( 18, 4, 98 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
  3. Craft one Shroud of the Manastone using the enchanted linen, 1 Boiled leather pelt, 1 Glimmering Material and a Basic Filament.
    • If you want to craft this yourself, you must be Artisan level 9+ to scribe the recipe.
    • You can bring a Portable Sewing Table (requires a minimum crafting level of 30 to use) and supplies for your group and complete the crafting in RoV, then continue directly to kill Varsoon.
  4. Kill Varsoon the Undying in the Chamber of Immortality235, -4, 98 ) Copy.


The information below has been verified with in-game data and the information on this page is correct, even if it looks stupid or makes no sense.
Fact: personally verified time and location on edge of hill near bridge Kding 07:57, June 22, 2010 (UTC)
