Completing this last quest in signature line unlocks flight in Sodden Archipelago and Western Wastes, it also opens up a Daily Crafting Mission NPC and ability to use Researcher Aushta <Tradeskill Researcher>
Search for Kromzek signs
travel up and east to click on "Dead Kromzek" at ( -535, 66, 592 ) Copy/waypoint -535, 66, 592
Small sparkly bottle closer to water in area around ( 546, 8, 154 ) Copy/waypoint 546, 8, 154 or ( 545, 8, 123 ) Copy/waypoint 545, 8, 123, Harvest Tracking works for these. If you don't see it right off, try harvesting some of the Elemental Draconic Rune in this immediate area. It will pop.
Use W.H.A.T V2 if needed, lots of aggro mobs around there.
Walking from the location of the Kromzek overland via the ramp down to charnel scar gave me all 17 shinies needed. Note that they will only be visible if you're close enough to see the particle effect, so flying isn't that useful. I'd recommend either using the W.H.A.T V2 or -if you're high enough level and able to kill the mobs, the track harvesting ability found in your Tradeskill Prestige.