\aITEM -1315253289 871489225 0 0 0:stack of Coldain plates\/a \aITEM -1315253289 871489225 0 0 0:stack of Coldain plates\/a What does this information mean?
Though it is an Ironforge Exchange item, any crafter (around level 15) can get this the recipe book easily.
If your character is from a good-aligned city, you need to do a series of quests for Envoy Tami Swifthammer.
If you are from an evil-aligned city you must do quests for Commissioner Varla Z'Velran. At the end of the quests for Varla, the recipe book is looted from a table at ( 61, 154, -130 ) Copy/waypoint 61, 154, -130.
Supplies: The quest series takes a nominal quantity of T2 materials that can be found in the area, like blackened iron clusters. These can be gathered in the outdoor areas near New Halas or down the hill not far from the quest givers. It requires Glowing crafting fuel which can be purchased from the fuel merchant in the crafting area inside New Halas now matter what your character alignment may be.