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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced Kunark Ascending
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Fens of Nathsar more
How to Start Speak with Rumbletum at ( -221, 33, -1768 ) Copy
part of: Kunark Ascending Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Keep The Home Fires Burning
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Turn over rocks and gather 6 crawlers - found further down the road near the a frontier bighorn, ( -402, -1, -1534 ) Copy.
    Crawler rock

    crawler rock

  2. Click on the medium size rocks and pick up the "squirmy worm" that appears.
    Squirmy worm

    squirmy worm

    • the squirmy worm will always appear in front of player, one may not see it if in third-person until you shift your view.
  3. Speak with Rumbletum

