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LootDB · EQ2LL · ZAM
EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) [zone needed!] (Reign of Shadows)
Race [race needed]
Level [level needed] Solo
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
AA Exp unknown
Status Points unknown

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During the Fight(presumably at 75%, 50%, and 25%, have not confirmed this!) Will emote "Zugu slam his fists into the ground" or "Zugu buries his fists in the ground, stimulating the growth of his favorite food", and will spawn, 1 to 4 mushrooms that constantly pour out spores. These spores have a nasty AoE blast, but are fairly simple to kill. However, you must kill the mushrooms that spawn, or you risk dying from to many AoE's. While the mushrooms are up Sporefiend Zugu does not attack, so you can AoE burn if you wish. When all the spores are killed he will trigger Acidic Spray which needs to be cured.
