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EverQuest II Alternate Advancement Information
AAs » Illusionist AAs » Illusionist's Illusions line
Split Personality Rank (*/1)
Illusions 1 point
Requires 20 points in Illusions line
When cast upon an ally, that ally taunts their targeted encounter and that ally gains a Split Personality to join them in attacking their current target. Split Personality continues to taunt the entire encounter. When the Split Personality departs, any hate it generated with enemies is assigned to your ally. Icon Split Personality
Target Friend
Casting 2.0 seconds
Recast 1 minute 30 seconds
Range Up to 30.0 meters
  • Applies Split Personality. Lasts for 20.0 seconds
    • Applies Taunt.
      • Increases Threat to target encounter by x-y
    • Summons a limited pet to aid the caster