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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Obol Plains  (AA)
Introduced Chains of Eternity
Journal Level 95 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Obol Plains more
How to Start Examine diary next to Madyl D'Lareth's feet
part of: Obol Plains Timeline
Preceded by:
Unkempt Desires
Followed by:
Dreary Coast Guard

What does this information mean?


  1. Swim out to sea to ( -96, -7, 742 ) Copy. A platform appears under you with Elementals around.
  2. Kill elementals until one will talk to you.
    • It's better to single pull them, AoE pulling can cause them to become invisible and continue attacking you.
  3. You will be teleported to ( 226, 73, 1141 ) Copy. Click on the large jaw floating in the sky.
  4. Return to Madyl D'Lareth.


  • At least 1p 30g