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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Miscellaneous  (AA)
Introduced LU61
Journal Level Scales with player level from level 20
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The City of Freeport more
How to Start Speak with Nelik Ulnya at ( -233, -56, 196 ) Copy
part of: The City of Freeport Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Collective Memory

What does this information mean?


This quest is part of the Troll Racial Quest line; you must be an Evil-aligned troll of level 20 or higher to receive the quest.


  1. Enter Big Bend: Sanctum of Spirits and do the following
    • Slay 6 possessed trolls or ogres in Big Bend
    • Find the Torch of Oggok (( 0, 1, 3 ) Copy (right click it and select 'Examine the Torch' to update)
  2. Return to Nelik Ulnya in Freeport
  3. Visit Acolyte Ksylia at the Temple of War
  4. Return to Nelik Ulnya


  • At least 1p 30g @ lvl 95


  • This quest is under the journal category 'Miscellaneous' rather than 'The City of Freeport.' This seems to be nothing more than an error by SOE - the other two troll racial quests are categorized under The City of Freeport.