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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Shadeweaver's Thicket
Introduced Reign of Shadows
Journal Level 120 (Tier 13)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Shadeweaver's Thicket more
How to Start Speak to Haadirr Darjin in Shadeweaver's Thicket-480, 158, -796 ) Copy
part of: Reign of Shadows Timeline
Preceded by:
Spirits in the Night
Followed by:
Reign of Shadows: Whispered Blessings
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Enter Shadeweaver's Thicket: Feral Reserve [Solo] and Proceed through the zone. (*Entrance is located in City of Shar Vahl*)
    1. Slay Greeneyes
      • Kill the grizzly glowbeaks adds to debuff Greeneyes, then kill him.
    2. Slay Hopper the Blood-Drenched (( -510, 130, -306 ) Copy )
      1. Go to the Saurek Watering Hole-429, 119, -386 ) Copy and kill the large group of saurek bloodtrackers.
      2. Pull Hopper the Blood-Drenched into the water, then kill aqualings on top of him to remove his stacks.
    3. Slay The Poached Poacher-350, 105, 71 ) Copy.
      • Before you pull the Poacher, make sure you have a beast skull in your bags. These drop from other beasts in the zone.
      1. Aggro whisperlings and drag them to desecrated beasts. When the beasts give a blue message about looking skyward for whisperlings, kill the whisperling. Repeat until the Poacher spawns. You will receive a pink message 'A foul wind blows through the forest; a warning to its fauna that death is near!'.
      2. Fight The Poached Poacher on top of the new non-aggro beasts you spawned. [edit: I instead ran to one of the now sacred animals, clicked it, and ran back to the Poacher. This worked much better than trying to move the Poacher around as he fights at range.]
        • At 49% the Poacher becomes invulnerable. Click on one of the non-aggro beasts from step 1 and offer it a beast skull by clicking on it to make the Poacher killable.
    4. Hunt a divine badger-296, 98, 215 ) Copy for their focus shard.
    5. Follow the ants to the ant hill ( -360, 104, 219 ) Copy and click the hill to enter.
    6. Slay Thraxinae-177, -400, -401 ) Copy on the ceiling of the room.
      • It may seem like she is not at her spawn point. Look up or use a target command.
      • At times, disappears and spawns adds. Kill the adds, kill the named. Rinse, repeat.
      • Though a quest may complete at this point you are not done.
    7. Apply spiritual focus to mustelidae ward totem ( -373, -344, -282 ) Copy inside the ant caves.
    8. Return to Haadirr Darjin.


To finish the zone and spawn an exit portal (not necessary for quest, but it is the last named in the zone): take the tunnel to the left at the mustelidae ward totem to kill the named Vampyre duo. One will go invulnerable at various times. Kill the vampiric orbs around the room to remove invulnerability, kill the named. Do not cure the detriment before the named changes back to original form. Repeat for other named.

Edit: when one of them turns bestial, Look for the orb emitting red aura to it, and kill that orb to change him back* repeat.

