What does this information mean?
- You must understand the Orcish language
- Investigate the area around Thrael'Gorr Camp and kill the level 92 Duhjalm spies that spawn for updates:
- First Location: ( 182, -131, 2481 ) Copy/waypoint 182, -131, 2481
- Second Location: ( -133, -120, 2381 ) Copy/waypoint -133, -120, 2381
- Third Location: ( -415, -195, 2289 ) Copy/waypoint -415, -195, 2289
- Return to Chief Thrael'Gorr to complete the quest.
- At least 1p 25g
- Completing this quest gives +2,500 faction with Clan Ry'Gorr
- One of the following, based on Class:
EQ2i credits EQ2 ZAM for some of the info in this article.
The capitalization, punctuation, and spelling of the title of this article have been verified and are correct as-is. |