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WARNING:This template depreciated, please use Template:SpellInformation2 when updating
Class Illusionist Illusionist Spell Icon needed HO Icon needed
Level 58
Category (Target) Protection (Group Friend)
 Casting Time  3.5 seconds
 Recast time  1 min
 Cost  215 power 26power/10secs 
 Duration  Until Cancelled
Augmentaion placed on an ally that can reflect up to three hostile profession spells or abilities back at their original caster. This spell has a recurring power cost over time.
  • Chance to reflect a spell attack by x%
This spell is not upgradeable.

What does this information mean?
You may upload a JPG or PNG image of the in-game examine window.

Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster Ancient Celestial
This spell is using an old template and may not have been updated for GU52. If you have updated this spell for GU52, please use the SpellEffectsLine2 template in place of SpellEffectsLine (ie add a "2").
reflect a spell attack by x% 79% 85% 91%

Cells for spell ranks that are not available for this spell are displayed as black.
