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Spectral Tethering Chains

Spectral Tethering Chains

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Quest Item
Spectral Tethering Chains
Item 11
A special essence applied carefully to these chains has allowed them to be applied to spirits within certain areas of Fordel Midst. Any spirit affected by these chains will be stunned and rooted in place, permanently!
Chain Spirit
Required by the Quest
'Piercing the Darkness: Marketplace of Horrors Part I'
Charges Unlimited
Casting 2.5 seconds
Recast 25 seconds
Artisans: Alchemist, Armorer, Carpenter, Jeweler, Provisioner, Sage, Tailor, Weaponsmith, Woodworker
Level 110 (Tier 12)
  • Applies Chain Spirit when Activated.
    • A special essence applied carefully to these chains has allowed them to be applied to spirits within certain areas of Fordel Midst. Any spirit affected by these chains will be stunned and rooted in place, permanently!
Obtain: created with a Recipe called Spectral Tethering Chains

\aITEM 762780963 1880430005:Spectral Tethering Chains\/a \aITEM 762780963 1880430005:Spectral Tethering Chains\/a
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Daybreak Games
