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Spectral Phasing Spray

Spectral Phasing Spray

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Quest Item
Spectral Phasing Spray
Item 3089
A special concoction spray used to reduce anger levels on any entity that is considered spectral!
Required by the Quest
'Piercing the Darkness: Marketplace of Horrors Part I'
Charges Unlimited
Casting 2.5 seconds
Recast 25 seconds
Artisans: Alchemist, Armorer, Carpenter, Jeweler, Provisioner, Sage, Tailor, Weaponsmith, Woodworker
Level 110 (Tier 12)
  • Applies Spray when Activated.
    • A special concoction spray used to reduce anger levels on any entity that is considered spectral!
Obtain: created with a Recipe called Spectral Phasing Spray

\aITEM 1636529554 124439472:Spectral Phasing Spray\/a \aITEM 1636529554 124439472:Spectral Phasing Spray\/a
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Daybreak Games
