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Soporific Dispensorator

Soporific Dispensorator

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EverQuest II Item Information
Soporific Dispensorator
Item 3171
This device can be used to create a lot of smoke.
Soporific Dispensorator
Charges Unlimited
Casting 1 second
Recast 5 seconds
Artisans: Alchemist, Armorer, Carpenter, Jeweler, Provisioner, Sage, Tailor, Weaponsmith, Woodworker
  • Applies Soporific Dispensorator when Activated.
    • Must be in Drafling Tower: Tradeskill.
Obtain: Received from Maladominus Poxbringer at Gnomeland Security Headquarters-528, 175, 990 ) Copy by completing the Bixie Distraction quest.

\aITEM -760305502 1087970266:Soporific Dispensorator\/a \aITEM -760305502 1087970266:Soporific Dispensorator\/a
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"Oh yes! Here's your aerated dispensorator. Just place it near a bixie and press the button here to set it off. It should knock them out for about 5 minutes. Use it as many times as you need to. Good luck!"

Daybreak Games
