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Soothsayer's Scrying Bones

Soothsayer's Scrying Bones

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Quest Item
Soothsayer's Scrying Bones
Item 418
This charm is supposed to lead you to the closest lost thing
Throw Scrying Bones
Required by the Quest
'Scrying Eyes'
Charges Unlimited
Casting 1 second
Duration 1.0 second
Recast 2 seconds
  • Applies Throw Scrying Bones when Activated. Lasts for 1.0 second.
    • The scrying bones lead you in the direction of the iksar you seek
Obtain: created with a Recipe called Soothsayer's Scrying Bones

\aITEM -1300696176 908383375:Soothsayer's Scrying Bones\/a \aITEM -1300696176 908383375:Soothsayer's Scrying Bones\/a
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