Pillage Ysa's grave, northeast of Somborn Village, around ( -494, -13, -141 ) Copy/waypoint -494, -13, -141. There are several burial sites across these hills. When you harvest them there is a chance you either get the update, or spawn a disturbed spirit.
Return to Zha Gu'Lau.
Find and read the book "Tragedy of Ysa". ( -390, 10, -90 ) Copy/waypoint -390, 10, -90
Return to Zha Gu'Lau.
Go to the bridge over Wayunder Lake, use the scroll Zha gave you while standing on the bridge, and click on the glowing spirit that appears above you.( -560, 10, -75 ) Copy/waypoint -560, 10, -75
The spirit of John Dondrael will spawn from the lake and walk towards you. Speak to him and he will drop Ysa's Belongings next to him. ( -560, -15, -60 ) Copy/waypoint -560, -15, -60
Return to Zha Gu'Lau.
Place the Ysa's Belongings at the following locations in the village:
Drop the jewelery box near Vinatori: ( -389, 9, -84 ) Copy/waypoint -389, 9, -84
Drop the scarf near a house: ( -336, 15, -7 ) Copy/waypoint -335.5, 14.5, -6.6
Drop the hairbrush near the church: ( -388, 12, -58 ) Copy/waypoint -388, 12, -58