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The Obsidian Core

The Obsidian Core

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Planes of Prophecy
Level Range 113-114
Access Quest Legacy of Power: Drawn to the Fire
Zone in from Coliseum of Valor
Entrance is at

-95, 3, 164 ) Copy

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Solo
Persistence 90 minutes - 3 days
NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


You will get an incurable elemental (Dominion of Ro), that every 20 seconds has a chance to apply Burning Mana, which turns the "cost" of casting spells, combat arts, and Ascension abilities from mana to health (percentage based, so it will be a noticeable health drain). Burning Mana is curable, or can be cleared by killing mobs.


  1. Kill the construct of flames to spawn Cindrax and kill him.
    • Pull Cindrax into one of the side passages and have your back to a wall. he does a HUGE frontal pull/knock forward.
      • "Cindrax pulls, throwing everyone in front back behind him!"
      • "Cindrax pushes, throwing everyone in front of him forward!"
      • Control your glide to land on the paths, not in the lava.
      • Pulling him into one of the corridors to the east or west can help avoiding the lava.
    • Immune to damage while a solitude gargoyle is up Kill each one as it spawns and then back to Cindrax.
    • They spawn at roughly 80%, 60%, 40% and 20%.
      • "A solitude gargoyle begins to animate!" on spawn
      • "Cindrax's Obsidian Shell shatters!"
  2. Attempt to use a door at the end of either east or west passages.
    • NOTE: A shiny will spawn, but it will likely be under the lava. When the zone is complete, come back up and the lava will have flowed away and you can get your collectible.
  3. Get on the central platform and ask the Operator of Fire8, -7, -78 ) Copy to go down to level 2.
    • Going through fires will stun for a short time and damage you.
    • You can loot some Magmucus from non-aggro a Magma Slug.
  4. Kill The Molten Behemoth at the end of the tunnel ( 64, -120, -188 ) Copy
    • Joust when it emotes "The Molten Behemoth begins expelling molten rocks! Get back!" Getting hit causes knockdown/stun (incurable, lasts several seconds).
    • After each aoe he drops molten stones that can be moved like house items into the brazier. They grant him a small heal if you don't get rid of them, so depends on your dps whether you need to bother.
  5. Get on the central platform and ask the Operator of Fire to go down to level 3.
    • You can loot an Obsidian Sun Disc (no-zone clicky with 10 second immunity to heat and interrupt from moving while in Heroic version of zone, can't damage mobs) from the corpse of a Scorched Fiend. This will be used in the next level down.
  6. Kill all scorched fiend in the room at the end of the tunnel to spawn Balrezu then kill him.
    • He is immune to damage while summoning fiends.
    • He summons 2 adds each time (last fight may just be a single add), remember where they came from and click on the brazier of the one you kill last. When you do, Balrezu returns to the chamber. If you click the wrong one or click too slow, you die. (You do get a notice from the right one when you cursor over it).
  7. Get on the central platform and ask the Operator of Fire to go down to level 4.
  8. Go through the fires to the end of the tunnel
    • Use Obsidian Sun Disc before you run through the fire in tunnel. They are a heavy DoT while in the fire down here but you are be able to run through without it.
  9. Kill Verlixa
    • Before you pull note the 5 braziers in the room you come into - on left, on right, center, far end and ceiling (click on the image for a larger screenshot).
      Verlixa braziers

      The 5 braziers in Verlixa's room

    • This is not a dps fight -- she does not do a lot of damage. The secret is to take your time and watch closely which braziers the illusions use and in which order. Just before she starts casting her illusions, she moves to the room entrance.
    • Each brazier is a teleport to a neighboring room with their own braziers. At certain times, she emotes, and disappears. To bring her back, follow the hints (given in the emotes) to the neighboring rooms and kill her illusions. Then click the return portal to continue the fight.
    • When she scripts, watch and memorize where and in what order the illusions go (there will be 2 illusions when she's at 75% health, 3 illusions at 50% and 4 at 25%). Click the braziers in order of appearance and kill the solo add in each room. Kill the first add, then click on the corresponding brazier in the "add room" to get to the next add. Once all adds are done, use the portal and "return". She will say which brazier the illusion enters. Just use your compass. The code is: Right = SW, Left = NE, Back = SE. Bottom = Middle. Top = Ceiling (yes, there is one on the ceiling).
    • There is a onscreen "Magic Mouth" text which comes up for each illusion and tells you which braziers and what order.
      • Suggestion: Manually type in your /Group, /Guild, etc. chat window L, R, T, Bk, Btm for Left, Right, Top, Back, Bottom, to record what the messages emote. It does NOT get displayed in Narrative or any other Chat channel otherwise. ("Back" is the wall with the plaque, farthest from the entrance).
      • If the wrong brazier is clicked, the player that clicked it dies.
    • A timer starts once you enter the side rooms. If you take too long to kill the Shimmering Mirages, you die. The timer resets when you return and starts again when you leave for the next round of Shimmering Mirages.
    • IMPORTANT: When you are in the side room, you must follow the sequence there. For instance, suppose Verlixa tells you "back" and "top" when she scripts the first time. You first will click on the "back" brazier, kill the add, then, while still in that room, you will then click on "top" to go and kill the second. After you do this (2 rooms for 75%, 3 rooms for 50%, and 4 rooms for 25%) you will see at the room entrance there is a link to "return". If you do not see that, then you have not moved on to the next room in her list. (I died 12 times before I figured this out).
  10. Get on the central platform and ask the operator to take you to level 5.
  11. Kill the golems until Galermos spawns at ( 0, -178, -107 ) Copy.
  12. Use the portal at ( 0, -178, -107 ) Copy to return to the Coliseum of Valor (at this point you can pop back in and retrieve your shiny on the first level, if you haven't already done so).