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EverQuest 2 Wiki
Solusek's Eye Timeline
Recommended Levels 45 to 55
Introduced: Shattered Lands
Difficulty: Heroic
Starts in: Solusek's Eye
Preceded by: Lavastorm Timeline
  • This is a master quest list that excludes any holiday/event related quests.
  • All quests listed here, unless noted, can be started and completed as of July 2018.

Through this timeline you will delve into the fiery depths of Solusek's Eye and bring low the Guardians of Thyr and their many allies. The questing is a mesh of examined quests and a short NPC questline picked up from the lone quest hub in this massive dungeon, Solusek Mining Company Base. The greatest challenge here is the distance required to travel between the various areas of the zone.

NPC Quests[]

Ognit Eznertob: ( 27, 15, -33 ) Copy

  1. [48] Drednever Expedition: Unto the Breach!
  2. [49] Host of Thyr. Act I: Restoration
  3. [49] Host of Thyr. Act II: Corruption
  4. [49] Host of Thyr: Act III: Reckoning

Examined Quests[]

The Eye of Solusek

The Eye of Solusek

  • [46] Resting Time - examine a mining cart on the first level at ( 10, -34, -110 ) Copy
  • [47] Bad Jerky - examine a carcass in The Castigator's room at ( -283, -366, -107 ) Copy
  • [48] Hot Parts - examine a machine on the third level near the fire-centipedes at ( -158, -229, -68 ) Copy
  • [48] Plans Gone Batty - examine a wall-mounted rail car on the third level at ( -319, -218, -5 ) Copy
  • [48] Spider Spawning Grounds - examine a pile of rubble on the goblin level at ( 70, -109, 148 ) Copy
  • [48] The Discarded Golems - examine a sprocket on the goblin level at ( 85, -109, 143 ) Copy
  • [49] Inner Fire Ablaze - examine a chair in the room with Lord Crana, deep into the fire-giant area at ( -315, -517, 132 ) Copy
  • [49] Snuff the Scorching Embers - examine the machine near the dungeon zone-in at ( 115, 28, -123 ) Copy
  • [49] The Blunted Blade of Thyr - examine the hilt or the point of the lowest blade on a weapon rack inside the room that spawns Lord Nagalik at ( -138, -568, 198 ) Copy
  • [50] The Forge of Thyr - examine the bellows next to the Forge of Thyr at ( -69, -626, -52 ) Copy
  • [51] The Efreeti Bastion - examine a book located on a table deep within the fire-giant area at ( -117, -509, 200 ) Copy

Other Quests[]

These quests involve Solusek's Eye, but are not necessarily part of its timeline:


The following collection is comprised of the rewards from the above collections:


See: Solusek's Eye Discovery Locations

Named Monsters[]

See: Solusek's Eye Named Monsters