EverQuest 2 Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see Sleeper's Tomb.
Sleeper's Tomb A Temporal Leap

Sleeper's Tomb: the Awakening

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced LU63
Level Range 99-100
Zone in from Eastern Wastes
Parent Zone None
Difficulty Group
Persistence 1h30min - 3days
NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


1st Named - Master of the Guard (Sleeper's Tomb: The Awakening) - in the first room, the Vestibule of Peril. Has an aoe with an emote, good idea to joust it, can be cured.

2nd Named - The Overseer - Activated by killing all of the drakes in the first room. Roams around and will add to the Master of the Guard fight.

3rd Named - Eudoxxus - in the Forbidding Sanctuary. Stop attacking when he turns to stone, start attacking when he is no longer stone. Attacking while he is stone causes the 'chipped' adds. His adds will power drain and then kill you, seems to be a mana/dmg drain proc of some kind.

4th Named - Paldar Bladesoul - in the Depository of Discernment. Fight in one of the cubbies in the center. Randomly 2-3 people get ported 20 meters away, when wedged in that port doesn't happen as much.

5th Named - Ingolfa Arnar - in the Keening Undercroft right before the teleporter to the lower level. Fight in the room for non-challenge version. Randomly ports someone to the hallway, hurry back, kite if necessary. Move out of green goo that spawns at your feet (red text will tell you who). Cure effects. Most groups kill adds, but higher dps / better tank groups ignore adds.

Last named - The Final Arbiter - at the back of the Warder's Dominion on the lower level. Challenge mode version - see The Enkindled Arbiter.

Above info was sourced from https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq2/index.php?threads/sleepers-tomb-no-strats-online.533193/

House Items[]

After killing all named you can plunder a carpet ( 442, 21, 200 ) Copy.

The capitalization, punctuation, and spelling of the title of this article have been verified and are correct as-is.
The "the" is really like that ingame. The map window, lockout window, and the guild window. LootDB also agrees.
