What does this information mean?
You'll recieve 1 a spirit totem crate.
- Place spirit totems around the Thrael'Gorr Camp at the marked locations.
- Place the first spirit totem ( 407, -89, 2500 ) Copy/waypoint 406.52, -89.36, 2499.55.
- Place the second spirit totem ( 317, -100, 2529 ) Copy/waypoint 316.96, -100.04, 2528.53.
- Place the third spirit totem ( 269, -72, 2623 ) Copy/waypoint 269.11, -72.02, 2622.53.
- Place the fourth spirit totem ( 273, -82, 2705 ) Copy/waypoint 272.61, -82.42, 2705.27.
- Place the fifth spirit totem ( 316, -78, 2743 ) Copy/waypoint 316.27, -78.29, 2743.28.
- Place the sixth spirit totem ( 366, -74, 2764 ) Copy/waypoint 366.39, -73.80, 2764.20.
- Return to Thrael'Gorr Oracle ( 359, -64, 2612 ) Copy/waypoint 359, -64, 2612
- At least 1p 25g
- Completing this quest gives +2,500 faction with Clan Ry'Gorr