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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced Destiny of Velious
Journal Level 90 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Examine the Coldain Insignia Ring.
part of: Coldain Insignia Ring Timeline
Preceded by:
Copper Coldain Insignia Ring
Followed by:
Gold Coldain Insignia Ring

What does this information mean?

Starting the Quest[]

  • Examine the Coldain Insignia Ring in any zone. You must be level 90 to begin this quest.
  • NOTE: Do not destroy or sell the ring that is given as an award for each quest. You will need those rings on you as you complete each quest. The quest giver will not give an update if you don't have it on you.


  1. Talk to Elder Historian Melna at ( 475, -211, 233 ) Copy in the Temple of Brell inside Thurgadin, City of the Coldain.
  2. Retrieve the Tome of Coldain Kinship in Nektropos Castle's library on a shelf in the middle of the library at ( -25, 14, 48 ) Copy (for library access see Nektropos Castle).
  3. Return to Elder Historian Melna.
  4. Find Malidain Glacierbane, who is at the end of the river on the Daggerflow Glacier in the Great Divide-807, -333, -23 ) Copy


One of the following:
