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Signet of the Ethernauts

Signet of the Ethernauts

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Signet of the Ethernauts
Allows the wearer to see expert collections in Faydwer, Kunark, and The Shadow Odyssey zones.
Item 3452
White Adornment Slot Orange Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
54 Primary Attributes 54 Stamina
400  Resistances 21 Combat Skills
3% Crit Chance
1.1% Crit Bonus
5%  Potency
3.1% Reuse Speed
133 Ability Mod
Strike of the Ethernauts
Slots Ear, Neck
Level 80 (Tier 9)
All Fighters, All Scouts

  • When Equipped:
    • On a combat hit this spell may cast Strike of the Ethernauts on target of attack. Lasts for 15.0 seconds. Triggers about 1.8 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 292 heat damage on target.
      • Inflicts 292 poison damage on target.
      • Inflicts 292 magic damage on target.
      • Increases Multi Attack of caster by 8.0.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means

\aITEM 941330364 1687494820:Signet of the Ethernauts\/a \aITEM 941330364 1687494820:Signet of the Ethernauts\/a
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