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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced The Shadow Odyssey
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Moors of Ykesha more
How to Start Hail Aymee Quickspoke at Dropship Landing Zone1866, 453, 846 ) Copy
part of: Moors of Ykesha Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Fighting Swamp Foot,
Berry Good, Sir,
Buckle Down,
Midday Perk,
Rest for the Weary,
Shards of Luclin,
Far Seas Supply Division - Restocking the Stores
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  • This quest can be acquired by characters who have attained tradeskill level 50 or higher. The quest itself scales to match your character's tradeskill level, but the recipes are all level 70. Unlike other quests which require the use of various tradeskill workstations and reaction arts from a tradeskill that differs from your own, the reaction arts for these quests only use Artisan abilities. Even if you are level 50 and use a variety of abilities you don't normally have, the items can be completed. For example, a Weaponsmith will be able to cook without too much trouble.


  1. I should seek out other Far Seas Trading Company Liaisons in the Moors of Ykesha
  2. Return to Aymee Quickspoke at Dropship Landing Zone for your reward


  • Teleportation speeds this quest up considerably. You can hail Aymee a second time after you get the quest from her. She will teleport you to the first quest location. Likewise, if you hail each Liaison (NPC) again after you complete and turn in their portion of the quest, they will teleport you to the next location.
NPC From To Condition
Aymee Quickspoke Dropship Landing Firmroot Moot Aymee's quest Ship Out is not turned in
Mug Firmroot Moot Tupta Turned in Mug's quest Fighting Swamp Foot and not turned in Berry Good, Sir
Varick Stoutheart Tupta Grobb Turned in Varick's quest Berry Good, Sir and not turned in Buckle Down (and usually afterward)
Zubzub Grobb The Overlook Turned in Zubzub's quest Buckle Down and not turned in Midday Perk
Alden Strongaxe The Overlook The Shadowed Cleft Turned in Alden's quest Midday Perk and not turned in Rest for the Weary
Quinn Wobble The Shadowed Cleft Tillage Patch Turned in Quinn's quest Rest for the Weary and not turned in Shards of Luclin
Agata Tillage Patch Nowhere
  • Completing each subquest of Ship Out quest will give you a small amount of positive Faction for the area that the Liaison NPC's represent.
  • The subquest Shards of Luclin requires diving underwater. If you don't have a water-breathing ability (like Frogloks, Iksar, and some adventure classes) you may want to bring a Totem of the Otter charm. For the clearest underwater vision, you may want to bring Totem of the Turtle too.
  • To save time, consider bringing the following:
  • If you forget to bring a portable tables to save time, your options are as follows:
  • You will have access to all the tradeskill tables back at the Dropship Landing Zone.
  • If you don't already have positive faction for the region from adventure quests, the first quest in this series Fighting Swamp Foot will give you enough positive faction so you can use the tradeskill workstations at Tupta and Grobb located there.
  • On the standard servers, you can also search for a published player house that has been set up with all of the crafting stations. Published player housing can be accessed from almost everywhere, and you will be returned to the same place when you leave. This is not an option on progression (TLE) servers.
  • Important: Until you complete the Fighting Swamp Foot quest from Mug in Firmroot Moot, the guards in Tupta and Grobb will be aggressive. Aside from these quests, you can improve your standing with all three factions within the Moors by killing the pirates on Brokenskull Rock. They are level 80-82 heroics, so you may need a group if you want to use this method to raise your faction quickly.


This walkthrough attempts to optimize your time completing these quests, assuming you're not bringing your own crafting stations. It also includes doing the cannon quest, for those characters who have not yet spent much time in the Moors.

These steps may be completed by any character with a crafting level of 50 or higher. No combat is involved if you use the teleportation offered by the quest NPCs and the local balloons.

Raw Materials[]

These are the ingredients required for all quests in this series, assuming you make no mistakes. It's wise to bring extras, because you may not have access to a banker or broker in each area you travel to for this quest.


  1. Gather all of your ingredients and fuels (and some extra!), along with some means of breathing under water (Totem of the Otter for underwater breathing and Totem of the Turtle for clear underwater vision) if necessary.
  2. Go to the Moors of Ykesha by druid ring, a wizard portal or taking the airship from Sinking Sands.
  3. If this is your first time in the Moors, you may want to complete the quest A Cannon to Sail By first by talking to Ember Tizzlepring ( 1738, 451, 857 ) Copy. This quest is safe even for lower-level adventurers and will allow you to easily return to the Dropship Landing Zone.
  4. Talk to Aymee Quickspoke ( 1869, 452, 845 ) Copy at the Dropship Landing Zone. If you hail her again, she will offer to teleport you to Firmroot Moot.
  5. Talk to Mug in Firmroot Moot ( 163, -90, -462 ) Copy and he will give you a recipe for the leather boots and the special leather used to craft them. If you don't have a Portable Sewing Table you will need to fly back to the U.J.L., use the cannon to get back to the docks and craft at the crafting stations near Aymee. Don't try to use the crafting stations in Grobb or Tupta because you won't have the requisite faction with them and they will attack you. Hail Aymee for a teleport back to Mug. Talk to Mug again to complete the quest and then ask him for a teleport to Tupta.
  6. Talk to Varick Stoutheart in Tupta ( -6, -55, 837 ) Copy, complete the quest and then hail him for a teleport to Grobb. This quest doesn't require crafting anything, you only need to click on six baskets full of berries in the immediate area. Talk to him again and he will offer to teleport you to Grobb.
  7. Talk to Zubzub in Grobb ( -445, -76, -912 ) Copy and he will give you a recipe for the polished buckles and the special lead needed to craft them. You can use a Portable Forge, or you can use the nearby forge at ( -362, -65, -1032 ) Copy. Complete the quest and then talk to him again to teleport to the Overlook.
  8. Talk to Alden Strongax at the Overlook ( -1120, -106, -271 ) Copy and he will give you a recipe for the brew and the "strong swill" needed to craft it. If you don't have a Portable Cooking Set, then you'll need to either return to the Dropship Landing Zone or take the balloon to Firmroot Moot and run to Grobb to use the stove there (remember that you can hail Aymee or Zubzub to return to the Overlook). Talk to Alden again and he will offer to teleport you to Shadowed Cleft.
  9. Talk to Quinn Wobble in Shadowed Cleft ( -1490, -1006, -38 ) Copy and she will give you a recipe and the metal joints needed to craft the bunk beds. There is a woodworking table directly behind her you can use. After you have completed the quest, talk to her again and she will offer to teleport you to the Tillage Patch.
  10. Talk to Agata in Tillage Patch ( -809, -918, -398 ) Copy and complete the quest to collect moon rocks. This is the quest where having water breathing will be helpful. They can be found underwater, on the riverbed in the general area around ( -898, -944, -191 ) Copy. To get back out of the water, you can use the large plant at ( -901, -934, -272 ) Copy as a ramp.
  11. If you don't have a teleport or fast travel available to get back to the Dropship Landing Zone, take the balloon to back to the U.J.L. and return to the docks using the cannon. Talk to Aymee to complete the quest. You're done!

