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Shield of the Ancient
Gains experience as Planar Essences are imbued into the item. Each Planar Level increases the base Ability Modifier, Potency, and Primary Attributes by 5%.
Item 3603
White Adornment Slot Blue Adornment Slot Cyan Adornment Slot Orange Adornment Slot 
1,150 Primary Attributes 1,769 Stamina
50,481 Health 22,709 Power
107.9 DPS
33.7% Block Chance
362.9% Crit Chance
572%  Potency
33.7% Mitigation Increase
35 Fervor
52.5 Resolve
159.8 Crit Bonus Overcap
Tower Shield
Type Tower Shield
Protection 4268
Slot Secondary
Level 110 (Tier 12)
Paladin, Shadowknight, Berserker, Guardian

  • When Equipped:
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell has a 15% chance to cast Equalize on target of spell. Lasts for 8.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
      • Inflicts 9,824 divine damage on target.
      • Decreases Combat Mitigation of target by 196.5.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 10.0 - 15.0 seconds.
Obtain: Reward from the collection quest, Malevolor Trophies.

\aITEM 1728747611 1486542442:Shield of the Ancient\/a \aITEM 1728747611 1486542442:Shield of the Ancient\/a
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